EKENEZE Constitution

Ekeneze Constitution


We descendants of Ekeneze, currently residing in the United States of America and desirous of promoting the community interests and development of Ekeneze and its progeny in all aspects, hereby adopt this Constitution to govern the activities of our association.


The name of the association shall be the EKENEZE CONGRESS USA.


Section 1:

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the community interests and development of Ekeneze and its progeny in all aspects.

Section 2:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall operate as a tax-exempt or not-for-profit organization. To achieve its purpose, EKENEZE CONGRESS USA may collect membership fees, solicit donations from the general public, apply for grants from governmental or non-governmental organization, and engage in fund raising activities that are consistent with its tax-exempt or not-for-profit status.

Section 3:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall not engage in partisan politics, propaganda, campaign, or lobbying. EKENEZE CONGRESS USA may however engage in policy initiatives on a nonpartisan and nonsectarian basis if such initiatives help further its purpose.

Section 4:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s deliberations shall be conducted in Igbo or English, except in public settings when English shall be the language of expression.


Section 1:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall have all necessary and proper powers to lawfully carry out its purpose, consistent with its tax-exempt or not-for-profit status, including without limitation, the power to employ staff or remunerate any member, provided, however, that any remuneration or payment to any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA member shall conform with a conflict of interest policy that the National Executive Council shall adopt to protect EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s interests when it enters into a transaction or arrangement that might result in undue excess benefit for the member.

Section 2:

The highest authority of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall be vested in the general membership, which may overrule by a two-third majority vote any decisions taken by the Executive Committee or any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA committees.


Section 1:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall have all necessary and proper powers to lawfully carry out its purpose, consistent with its tax-exempt or not-for-profit status, including without limitation, the power to employ staff or remunerate any member, provided, however, that any remuneration or payment to any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA member shall conform with a conflict of interest policy that the National Executive Council shall adopt to protect EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s interests when it enters into a transaction or arrangement that might result in undue excess benefit for the member.

Section 2:

The highest authority of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall be vested in the general membership, which may overrule by a two-third majority vote any decisions taken by the Executive Committee or any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA committees.


Section 1:

Membership of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall be open to all adult descendants of Ekeneze and their spouses, without regard to race, gender, and political or religious affiliation, who subscribe to EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s purpose, agree to abide by this Constitution or any amendments thereof, and pay EKENEZE CONGRESS USA membership fees.

Section 2:

All individual EKENEZE CONGRESS USA members shall pay annual membership fees, which shall be one hundred dollars ( may revise this amount by a two-third majority vote.

Section 3:

The dues and levies provided under Section 2 above shall be paid by each individual EKENEZE CONGRESS USA member to EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s Account.

Section 4:

A member must be in good standing in order to have the power to vote at EKENEZE CONGRESS USA general meetings or to be voted for during EKENEZE CONGRESS USA elections.

Section 5:

For the purposes of this Constitution, an EKENEZE CONGRESS USA member is in good standing if the member has paid membership fees and levies for the current or immediately preceding year and has attended at least one general meeting during the same period.

Section 6:

The General Membership may decide by a two-third-majority vote to confer Honorary Membership of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA on any individual who has contributed substantially to the advancement of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA or Ekeneze. The recipient of such Honorary Membership shall not be entitled to vote or be voted for in EKENEZE CONGRESS USA elections or meetings. No more than two (2) Honorary Memberships shall be conferred each year.


Section 1:

Members of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall always conduct themselves with decorum at meetings and behave as good ambassadors of Ekeneze and EKENEZE CONGRESS USA.

Section 2:

Any member may be sanctioned for gross misconduct that reflects adversely on EKENEZE CONGRESS USA or Ekeneze. The Executive Committee shall set up a committee to inquire into the alleged misconduct. The committee shall have 30 days from its inception date to give the accused member an opportunity to be heard and shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive committee shall then determine with a simple majority vote, the appropriate sanction .If the Executive committee, upon finding specified that the misconduct warrants suspension or removal, submits the matter to the General Membership and the General Membership will approve the suspension or removal by a two-third-majority vote.


Section 1:

All meetings may be conducted in person, telephonically or via video-conferencing or other electronic media, and participants may vote at such meetings without regard to their physical location at the time of the meeting.

Section 2:

A General Membership meeting of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall be held at least three (3) times in each calendar year. The General Secretary at the direction of the President shall consult with the Executive Committee and the Executive committee to prepare and circulate an agenda for a General Membership meeting with reasonable notice.

Section 3:

The President, the General Secretary at the direction of the President, or a simple majority of the Executive Committee may convene an emergency General Membership meeting at any time.

Section 4:

A member in good standing may request an emergency General Membership meeting by sending a written request that sets forth the basis for the request to the President or the Secretary General, who shall then have fifteen days to call the meeting or refer the request to the Executive Committee for approval or disapproval by a simple majority vote.

Section 5:

Unless any provision of this Constitution specifically states otherwise, issues arising at any meeting of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA, the Executive Committee or any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA committees, shall be resolved by a simple majority vote. Each member shall have one and only one vote at any such meeting, except that, in the event of a tied vote, the vote of the chairperson shall decide the issue subject to the vote.

Section 6:

Only members of the Executive Committee shall have the power to vote during meetings of the Executive Committee.

Section 7:

Only members of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA committee shall have the power to vote during meetings of those committees.

Section 8:

A motion to vote on an issue must be seconded by another member before a vote is cast.

Section 9:

Fifty percent of the members with power to vote shall form a quorum at meetings of the Executive Committee and all other committees and sub-committees of the organization.

Section 10:

At least ten (10) members in good standing, including at least two (2) members of the Executive Committee, shall form a quorum at EKENEZE CONGRESS USA general meetings.

Section 11:

If no quorum is formed at any meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned and shall be reconvened with reasonable notice and the members present at such reconvened meeting shall be deemed to form a quorum.


Section 1:

A national convention to which all EKENEZE CONGRESS USA members shall be invited shall be held, if possible, every two (2) years, in the month of July or August.

Section 2:

The Executive Committee shall prepare and present a comprehensive report of the activities of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA to the General Membership at each convention.

Section 3:

Venue for the Convention shall be on a rotational basis as approved by the Board of Trustees

Section 4:

In the event the local chapter determined to host the convention on the rotational basis is unready and/or unwilling to host the convention, other local chapters shall have the right to host the convention in the same alphabetical order continuing from the local chapter unready and/or unwilling to host the convention.


Section 1:

Elections of all Executive Committee members shall take place every two years at the National Convention if one is held. However, if a National Convention cannot be held as set forth in Article 8 above, elections of Executive Committee members shall be held at a General Membership meeting held in lieu of the Convention.

Section 2:

No less than 6 months prior to the elections date, The President with approval of the Executive committee shall appoint an election committee to organize open and fair elections, during which members in good standing may vote in person, telephonically or via video-conferencing or other electronic media such as text messages or emails, without regard to their physical locations.

Section 3:

No less than 3 days prior to the elections date, the election committee in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall prepare and ultimately certify and publish to the General Membership a candidates’ list and a voters’ register consisting of members in good standing who are eligible to vote. Upon the certification, no changes shall be made to the candidates list or the voters’ register until the elections are completed.

Section 4:

All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected to a two-year term of office by a simple majority vote of members in good standing.

Section 5:

A term of office shall start after the official proclamation of the election results in an election year and end after the official proclamation of the election result in the next election year. No person shall serve in the same Executive Committee position for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 6:

If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee at any time and for any reason, the Executive Committee may vote by simple majority to appoint any member of the organization who is in good standing to fill the position for the duration of the term with all privileges and rights of an elected officer. Regardless of its duration, such substitution term shall count as a full term for purposes of determining eligibility to run for office under the two-consecutive-terms limit provision of section 5 of this Article.


Section 1:

An Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA. The Executive Committee shall consist of a President, a Vice President, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Treasurer, a Financial Secretary, Public Relations Officer, an Auditor and two (2) ex-officio members.

Section 2: The President shall:

(a) Chair all General Membership meetings and all meetings of the Executive Committee, except that a two-third majority of the Executive Committee may appoint a disinterested member within its ranks to preside over a General Membership meeting or a meeting of the Executive Committee; (b) Provide leadership to the Executive Committee and EKENEZE CONGRESS USA in general; (c) Represent the Executive Committee and speak on behalf of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA at public functions and activities; (d) Sign documents on behalf of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA, except that either the General Secretary or the Treasurer must co-sign EKENEZE CONGRESS USA checks; (e) Keep members informed of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s activities, and maintain working relations with donors; and (f) Engage in other functions to achieve EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s purpose.

Section 3: The First Vice President shall:

(a) Assist the President; (b) Carry out the functions of the President in the President’s absence or incapacity; and (c) Perform other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 4: The General Secretary shall:

(a) Maintain an up-to-date membership register with members’ contact information; (b) Call General Membership meetings, Executive Committee meetings and Council meetings at the direction of the President, prepare agendas for such meetings in consultation with the President and maintain a record of deliberations and attendance at the meetings; (c) Serve as a signatory of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s accounts; (d) Maintain the organization’s official records; (e) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 5: The Assistant General Secretary shall:

(a) Assist the General Secretary; (b) Assume the duties of the General Secretary in the absence or disability or the General Secretary; (c) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall:

(a) Be the Custodian of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s funds, which shall be kept in one or more bank accounts with the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer as account signatories; (b) Pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee or General Membership; (c) Ensure that all tax returns are prepared and filed as required under the law; and (d) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 7: The Public Relations Officer shall:

(a) Publicize the activities of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA; (b) Ensure that EKENEZE CONGRESS USA maintains a positive public image; and (c) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive committee or General Membership.

Section 8: The Financial Secretary shall:

(a) Keep an accurate record of all receipts and payment authorizations; (b) Prepare all payment authorizations as approved by the Executive Committee or the General Membership and forward such authorizations to the President or the General Secretary for signatures; (c) Prepare and present financial reports at the regular meeting; (d) Recover all monies or properties owed to EKENEZE CONGRESS USA, including, without limitation, dues, fines, or levies; (e) Track delinquency in payment of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA fees and alert the Executive Committee or the General Membership to any financial delinquencies or improprieties; and (f) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership. 

Section 9: The National Auditor shall:

(a) Conduct regular audits of the financial accounts or transactions of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA; (b) Identify and promptly notify the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership if he discovers any improper or unauthorized transactions; and (c) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 10: Each ex-officio member shall:

(a) Assist the President or the Executive Committee as directed by the President; and (b) Perform any other functions delegated to him or her by the President, the Executive Committee or the General Membership.

Section 11:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA shall indemnify and hold harmless any EKENEZE CONGRESS USA member who sustains or incurs costs or expenses to defend any lawsuit or legal proceedings that is brought, commenced or prosecuted against the member for any act, deed, matter or thing whatsoever, made, done or permitted by the member in the scope of the member’s official functions. The only exception is if such costs, charges or expenses as are occasioned by the member’s own intentional  

Section 12:

With the authorization of the Executive committee, the President may form a committee to handle a specific project, appoint members to serve on any such committee, and specify the committee’s terms or reference.

Section 13:

A Council of Elders consisting of senior EKENEZE CONGRESS USA members who are sixty years of age or older shall consider major unresolved issues within EKENEZE CONGRESS USA and make recommendations to the General Membership.


Section 1:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s fiscal year shall be from the first day of September of any year through the thirty-first day of August of the following year.

Section 2:

The general membership, by a two-third majority vote, may impose levies on members.

Section 3:

At least one bank account shall be opened in the name of the organization at a branch of an accredited bank or with such other financial institution as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide.

Section 4:

The President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer shall be signatories to EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s accounts and the signature of at least two signatories shall be required on all checks drawn from EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s accounts.

Section 5:

The Executive Committee must approve any expenditure exceeding $1000.00. EKENEZE CONGRESS USA is not permitted to incur any debt exceeding $2,000 without approval of the general membership by a two-third-majority vote.


Section 1:

EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s fiscal year shall be from the first day of September of any year through the thirty-first day of August of the following year.

Section 2:

The general membership, by a two-third majority vote, may impose levies on members.

Section 3:

At least one bank account shall be opened in the name of the organization at a branch of an accredited bank or with such other financial institution as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide.

Section 4:

The President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer shall be signatories to EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s accounts and the signature of at least two signatories shall be required on all checks drawn from EKENEZE CONGRESS USA’s accounts.

Section 5:

The Executive Committee must approve any expenditure exceeding $1000.00. EKENEZE CONGRESS USA is not permitted to incur any debt exceeding $2,000 without approval of the general membership by a two-third-majority vote.


Section 1:

The Executive Committee may from time to time empanel a Constitution Review Committee to review the EKENEZE CONGRESS USA Constitution and recommend amendments. Before submitting its final recommendations to the Executive Committee, the Constitutional Review Committee shall open its amendment proposals to the  , the Executive Committee for comments. The comments period shall not be less than 30 days. The Constitution Review Committee shall thereafter consider all comments and prepare notes as to how each comment was considered and treated in its final recommendations. Upon receiving the final recommendations from the Constitution Review Committee, the Executive Committee shall vote by a two-third then vote to ratify them by a two-third majority (General House). 


Section 1:

All elected officials of the association shall take the following oath of office: “I………………… do solemnly affirm that I will support and abide by the Constitution of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA, promote the interests and development of Ekeneze and its descendants in all aspects, faithfully and diligently discharge all duties incumbent on me as the [insert tile] of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA to the best of my ability. So, help me God.” 


Section 1:

This Constitution shall be deemed to take effect from the —————– 2020. SUBSCRIBED TO by us on behalf of the entire members of EKENEZE CONGRESS USA this —————————-2020.

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________ EKENEZE CONGRESS, USA President EKENEZE CONGRESS, USA General Secretary